716-508-0332 info@gamileh.com

Ready to breakthrough challenges that are limiting you?

“Take one step towards your truth, means one step closer to truly living life free and empowered”


There’s a process in becoming the Optimal you – where you live a life driven by the power of being unquestionably yourself. As a motivational speaker and coach – I support companies and individuals to move out of chaos and stagnation and to start walking into expansive levels of growth. Our time together will open the heart, mind, and body so you can truly live life feeling free and energetic.
Each challenge in your life is a road map to what needs to be shifted and healed. Within a few sessions, you will feel self-energized and driven in new ways. More importantly, you can easily let go of the thoughts and mindset that cause you to keep hitting walls and limiting your progression to live an optimal exponential life.

What type of challenges can you breakthrough?

  • Physical, emotional, and spiritual illness and pain
  • Relationship issues with a spouse, child, parent, and professional environment
  • Loss of purpose – going in circles or feelings of loss
  • Projects and ideas that aren’t moving forward at the pace you would like
  • Businesses that are stuck or ready to take the next step 
  • Leadership and management challenges

“When you take the brave step to face and work through your challenge, you can unlock a renewed, empowered level of freedom in your life.”